Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Autmoblox - the biggest little wooden car in the world

The Automoblox wooden car is one of our favourite learning toys as it has so many of the right attributes for a high quality learning toy.

Firstly it looks great. For any toy to have an effect on a child the child has to want to play with it! We know Automoblox are attractive because our customers tell us they are - whether they were bought for a grandson or an executive desk toy!

Secondly they have to have lasting appeal, we want that learning to keep on happening after all! Automoblox have so many play possibilities - as a car, as a play figure set and as a car design toy. Don't forget all of the cars are compatible to produce even more construction possibilities.

Lastly a good educational toy must obviously provide educational benefits. Automoblox have been designed from the ground up to provide lots of educational stimulation!

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