Thursday, September 17, 2009

New Cambridge Brainbox electronics kits at

Cambridge Brainbox manufacture a great range of electronic kits with a cool easy to use press-stud system for making the contacts. Kind of like the kits around when I was a kid but much easier to use and no pesky wire to lose or stab yourself with.

The range has recently been refreshed and we now have a full range including the Cambridge Brainbox Cars and Boats kit, the Cambridge Brainbox Primary electronics kit, the Cambridge Brainbox Primary Plus kit, and the Cambridge Brainbox Sensors and Alarms.

We have also added two new kits to the range. The Cambridge Brainbox Secondary Electronics Kit covers the unit 7J (Electrical Circuits) of Key Stage 3 of the national curriculum with over 500 experiments. Key experiments include building an AM radio, switching on lights when darkness falls and building a rain sensor. The kit also includes a digital multimeter for measuring resistance, current and voltage.


The Cambridge Brainbox Explorer Electronics Kit super sizes the Cambridge Brainbox range with over 60 components supporting over 1200 experiments that enhance the understanding of Key Stages 3 and 4. Highlights include build your own FM and AM radio, find out how to control lamps, use switches, use light emitting diodes, series and parallel circuits, find out about AND, OR, NAND and NOR gates, build a flying fan, produce electronic sirens, music, space war sounds, build a vibration sensor, rain detector, light operated circuits, burglar alarm circuits, build a voice recorder, learn about transistors, resistance,capacitors, conductors and insulators…

cbb_explorer2_3 cbb_explorer2_2

All Cambridge Brainbox electronic kits can be purchased in the technology toys section of the kidEstore educational toy store.

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