Friday, November 27, 2009

Blurt board game is noisy family fun with an educational twist

Blurt is a noisy word board game where players race to move their piece all the way around the board. Each turn the actual definition of a word found in a children's dictionary is read out. The first player to blurt out the word that fits the definition gets to move forward the number of spaces rolled on a die. There is no penalty for guessing incorrectly, so things tend to get a bit raucous!

Blurt board game

If a player lands on certain spaces or the same space as an opponent, a "one-on-one" blurt contest is held just between those two players with the victor getting to stay on the spot and the loser having to move back to where the trailing player started.

The board game Blurt is a firm favourite of all those who try it and is available from the educational toy store in the kids games  section.

Blurt board game is suitable from age 7.

1 comment:

P.I.E. said...

Thanks for reviewing Blurt! I am the inventor of the game and I am hoping to come across the pond to play with anyone who will let me in 2010. I hope to meet you when I come!

My Very Best,

Tim Walsh